All the hoopla surrounding horse meat in processed, fast food "beef" products, food coloring in macaroni and cheese, and the almost extinction of twinkies has me a bit dumbfounded. Have the big corporate processed food giants really made us as stupid as we look?
Considering the types of food products that have been found to have horse meat, I have a hard time believing people are upset over it as an undisclosed ingredient. The foods in question are processed, fast food products that are full of undisclosed ingredients. From what I have gathered via online comments, it seems to be people are uncomfortable eating horse meat. What makes a cow more edible than a horse? Apparently horse meat is actually healthier than cow meat.
I have a feeling that a good majority of the people who are in a tizzy over food dye in their macaroni and cheese have a pantry full of other products containing food dyes. Why target one company just because they make it differently in another country with different standards? Why not target all the companies that use cancer causing food dyes or better yet, why not stop buying the products? Homemade macaroni and cheese is quite simple to make, a lot healthier than store bought brands, and it doesn't taste like cardboard.
What is the big deal with sponge cakes that aren't really cakes that contain cream that isn't really cream? After reviewing the ingredients (39 ingredients!!!) in Twinkies, I am not sure they can even be considered an actual food item. When was the last time you made something with 39 ingredients? I find it sad to see such an uproar over something that is so unnatural and unhealthy that it shouldn't be considered edible while farmers are spending ridiculous amounts of money, time and effort they don't have to spare to get approval to sell unadulterated, organic produce.
I'd love to see all the effort, uproar, and frustration get channeled into taking a stand against the giant corporations producing these unhealthy products so that the people running them don't continue laugh their way to the bank with their profits while we get fatter and sicker on the crap they are putting into pretty packages. Rather than ask a company to remove an ingredient, don't buy it. Make your own. Avoid the middle of the store. Stick to the outside perimeter where you will find the produce fresh or frozen that will help you to live a longer, happier, healthier life than the junk in the middle riddle with MSG, food dyes, "natural flavors", and other unpronounceable ingredients. Read labels, read labels, read labels until it becomes an automatic response before purchasing anything. Get smart about the food you eat. Don't waste your time, energy, or money on junk. Be a smart shopper and consumer. Buy organic. Buy local. Don't buy crap! Not only will you be helping yourself, you'll be helping the environment. :)