24 October 2012

Warning Labels On Junk Food...Not A Bad Idea


Food Myths

"Anna Lappé is launching a new project called Food MythBusters, which takes direct aim at the most damaging talking points from Big Food and Big Ag that are designed to distract us from the grim realities of industrialized agriculture. The project is an impressive collaboration of numerous talented people and groups, including Free Range Studios, and Corporate Accountability International, among others." - http://www.treehugger.com/corporate-responsibility/busted-food-myths-brought-you-corporate-front-groups.html

"As awareness about healthy eating grows and people demand more nutritious and nourishing options, a new marketing scam has become increasingly widespread. We’ve all heard the hype about the health benefits of whole grains, but many of the items being marketed as “whole grain” – and therefore thought of as being “healthy” – are a hoax." - http://blog.integrativenutrition.com/2012/03/how-to-avoid-the-%E2%80%9Cwhole-grain%E2%80%9D-junk-food-scam