21 December 2008

Real vs. Artificial

I have often found myself wondering which was better...a real or fake Christmas tree. I love the smell of a fresh tree, but must admit the needles can be a bit of a pain to clean up. So I looked very thoroughly at a few artificial trees just to see what my options were when I came across an itty bitty warning at the very bottom of a box that stated the tree contained lead and it was necessary to wash one's hands after touching it. That sealed the deal for me. With 4 kids and 2 dogs, there is no way a lead laced tree is going up in my house. While my mind was made up the minute I saw the warning, the researcher in me couldn't leave it at just that. I had to read more...so for those of you who are still debating or are just curious, here are two sites I found very useful:


May your holidays be filled with joy no matter what type of tree you choose!!!

P.S. We sold our house and have been in the midst of packing, thus the long break and future spotty postings. My apologies, but I promise to be back in full swing as soon as we get settled in the new home!